Parenting a Must Read for those devoted to Christian Faith ---Review #gospelparenting & #flyby
Let's face it none of us are perfect parents, most of us strive to be, but it's next to impossible to be. And you know what, that is okay. Why, because we weren't meant to be the perfect parents. In fact, we set ourselves up for failure because of the expectations we put on ourselves, and worse we tend to put on our kids. It's not our jobs to be trophy parents. Our kids aren't trophies. They are going to be good at things and bad at others, and it's all okay! Parenting by Paul David Tripp could not have come into my life at a better time. God certainly does work in mysterious ways. He knows when to give us what we need in life for ourselves and for our kids. This books takes us through the journey of parenting and teaches us the difference between owning our children and being ambassadors for our children. Owning children sets us all up for disaster and frustration. Tripp takes us through parenting through "14 Gospel Principles that Can Radicall...